woah...happy new year!
I had a great time on my Texas adventure. As usual, it was fabulous seeing Ben, and I had a blast meeting the rest of the Dundee clan and some assorted friends and others. The only part of Texas I had seen before was a small part of the Dallas airport, so it was exciting to see a new state. It was very Texas-y. Highlights included walks on the beach for shell collecting, lots of dogs to pet and snuggle, an aquarium in a pyramid, and the warmth of a fire from a lovingly constructed fire pit.
Sadly the transition back to the real world and the beginning of winter quarter has happened all too quickly. Classes started today, and although I'm taking a fun dialect class taught by a friend from Otterbein, and I will try to enjoy the challenges of French, I'm not super thrilled about the coming weeks of this winter quarter. The weather is yucky, and my geology class seems like it may be trying. Due to my excellent skills for never planning ahead, I've been without a couple of my prescriptions for a couple of weeks now. Silly, Bryanne... Yeah, so needless to say I'm feeling the effects. I'm back on everything as of this afternoon, so hopefully the situation will begin to right itself in a couple of days.
While a good portion of the population of Columbus is now enraptured by a football game, I am watching the Bachelor and eating some yogurt. Oh yes...the fascinating life I lead!
In exciting news, I've been cast in Raconteur Theatre Company's next production - Isaac, I am. It's been about a million years since I acted, and my good friend Lorelei is also a part of the cast. I'm so looking forward to this experience, and hope that it proves to be as much fun as I think it will be.
I've got big goals for 2009, and lots of changes and growth on the horizon. I really want to get back in the swing of things to be healthier, in better shape, more organzied and productive and generally happier. It's a tall order, but I want it...badly. So step by step, one day at a time will be my plan. Two easily summarized goals include figuring out the next step in my educational career, and being able to run a 5k by this summer.
A full Texas trip update will come soon...but for now...back to the Bachelor! *bwa ha ha!!!*
1 comment:
Congrats on being cast in "Isaac, I am." I'm rather partial to the play, myself.
Mary Steelsmith
P.S. Who are you playing?
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