So the good news is it's not so cold today...in fact not really cold at all. Granted, it has rained all day, but I will gladly take that over snow. It's been gray and gloomy overall, which doesn't do a lot for fostering a good mood.
I shouldn't be writing this blog right now. I should be studying for my exams tomorrow. I think my brain needed a little break though. I have my french exam at 9:30, and then physical anthropology at 1:30. Everything is under control. I have good grade thus far in both classes, and should be in good shape for the exams, but it stresses me out none the less. I seem to not feel comfortable going into exams unless I overprepare, so thats where I am right now. Most previous quarters have worked out nicely so I only have one exam each day, and having two tomorrow is stressing me out a bit. Just have to breathe and try to focus...which is hard. When I have a lot to do, I have a hard time just working on things bit by bit. Instead, I tend to worry about getting everything done and am less productive overall.
The blue jackets suck. It is so depressing I can't even describe it. I just don't get it.
My cats are fairly calm today...and better stay away from the new laptop charger. I have to figure out a way to get them to stop chewing on stuff.
Three weeks from today I will be in Galveston - There's something to look forward to! Two days from now I will be done with exams and beginning to enjoy a couple weeks of freedom - from school anyways.
I like the holidays. I like vacation. I like traveling and exploring new places.
I've had straight A's for 7 quarters straight...I really hope I don't jeopardize this tomorrow. I am trying to tell myself that a "B" every so often wouldn't be the end of the world...I *almost* believe it.
Ok...back to the books.
1 comment:
Breathe in....
Breathe out....
I love you:)
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