So yes, I've been rather negligent in my blogging lately. I honestly can't believe it's mid-march. February was a tough month, I was seriously struggling to get through school work and my obligations with the play and work and other obligation type things.
Today was my last day of classes. I have two exams next week and then...the big show. Graduation! It hasn't really set in yet...but I'm definitely starting to get excited.
Also exciting is the return of the physicist - less than a week away! We had a wonderful Valentine's Day adventure in San Francisco, which deserves its own entry, and will be headed off for a cross country tour on the 26th. Hooray! I've always wanted to experience driving across the country, and now I will have the awesome opportunity to do so.
One more performance of Issac tomorrow, lots of work and a couple exams. Then it's time for some fun!